Segunda-feira, 05 nov 2001 - 10h30min às 12h
Dr. Gert Groening / University of Arts Berlin
- Why I prefer Garden Culture and Open Space Development to Ecology -
Dr. Juan Neiff / CECOAL - Corrientes, Argentina
- Bases para el manejo ecológico de los grandes humedales de Sudamérica -
Terça-feira, 06 nov 2001 - 10h30min às 12h
Dr. John Bickham / Texas, A&M University
- Genetic effects of enviromental contaminants: from molecules to populations -
Dr. László Orlóci / Werstern Ontario University
- Biodiversity and its analysis -
Quarta-feira, 07 nov 2001 - 10h30min às 12h
Dr. Alejandro Pablo Arena / Universidade Tecnológica Nacional Mendoza/AR
- Una introducción al concepto del análisis de ciclo de vida -
Quinta-feira, 08 nov 2001 - 10h30min às 12h
Dr. Ganapati Patil / Pennsylvania State University
- Quantitative ecology for the twenty first century using remote sensing and other geospatial information -
Dr. Wolfgang Haber / Technische Universität, München
- Landscape Ecology as Bridge from Ecosystems to Human Ecology -
Sexta-feira, 09 nov 2001- 10h30min às 12h
Dr. Jorge Morello / Universidad de Buenos Aires
- Apropiacion de ecosistemas por el crecimiento urbano: Buenos Aires y la Pampa Ondulada, Argentina -
Dr. Jörg Pfadenhauer / Technisque Universität München
- Goals and experiences in Middle European restoration ecology - some principal aspects -