As promessas de Tony Blair para a luta contra o aquecimento global (em inglês)
Global warming
THEY PROMISED: "We will lead the fight against global warming, through our target of a 20 per cent reduction in carbon dioxide emissions by the year 2010."
WHAT HAPPENED: Carbon emissions are 3 per cent higher than they were in 1997.
International agreements
THEY PROMISED: "We will push environmental concerns higher up the international agenda."
WHAT HAPPENED: Global warming was a major feature of last year s G8 summit, hosted by Tony Blair, and the UK is on course to keep targets set at the Kyoto summit in 1997.
THEY PROMISED: "An effective and integrated transport policy."
WHAT HAPPENED: Traffic has gone up 11 per cent since 1997 while it became 11 per cent more expensive to travel by bus, and rail journeys went up 4 per cent.
Green taxes
THEY PROMISED: "Just as work should be encouraged through the tax system, environmental pollution should be discouraged."
WHAT HAPPENED: Fuel duty, climate change levy, landfill tax etc. rose to 3.6 per cent of national income in 1999 and 2000. Then Gordon Brown froze fuel duty and road tax, and froze the climate change levy.
Nuclear power
THEY PROMISED: "We see no economic case for the building of new nuclear power stations."
WHAT HAPPENED: Tony Blair ordered a review of energy policy last autumn, which is likely to conclude that new nuclear power stations are needed.
VERDICT: Promise soon to be broken
(The Independent, 28/03/06)
By Michael McCarthy, Environmental Journalist Of The Year